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10 Useful Packages Every React Native Developer

1. React Navigation

React Navigation

React Navigation is an excellent option for routing or navigation in React Native apps on iOS and Android. The open-source GitHub community maintains it. React Navigation is simple to link with other libraries. React Navigation contains features like Top and Bottom Navigations and Stack and Drawer Navigations. It also has a nested navigation feature that enables parent and child routes. React Navigation works with the most recent React hooks and context ideas. It also supports state management tools like Redux and MobX integration and deep-linking, server-side rendering, and screen tracking for analytics.

2. Lottie


A Lottie is a JSON-based animation file format that allows you to ship animations on any platform as easily as shipping static assets. They are small files that work on any device and can scale up or down without pixelation. LottieFiles lets you create, edit, test, collaborate on and ship a Lottie in the easiest way possible.

3. React Native Gifted Chat

React native Gifted Chat

React Native Gifted Chat, The most complete chat UI for React Native & Web

4. React Native Camera

React native Camera

React Native Camera provides a React component that renders a preview of the device's front or back camera. The camera's parameters like zoom, autofocus.

5. React Native Material Kit

React native Material Kit

React-native-material-kit, the toolkit introducing Material Design to React Native.

6. React Native Vector Icons

React native Vector Icons

React Native Vector Icons, Perfect for buttons, logos and nav/tab bars. Easy to extend, style and integrate into your project.

7. React Native Mapview

React native Mapview

This MapView component is built so that features on the map (such as Markers, Polygons, etc.) are specified as children of the MapView itself. This provides an intuitive and react-like API for declaratively controlling features on the map.

8. React Native Firebase

React Native Firebase

React Native Firebase is the officially recommended collection of packages that brings React Native support for all Firebase services on both Android and iOS apps.

9. Native Base


NativeBase is an accessible, utility-first component library that helps you build consistent UI across Android, iOS and Web.

10. Teaset


React Native Teaset is the toolkit introducing Teaset to React Native.
